Friday, February 20, 2009

Well, he's all packed and ready to go in the morning. I will be praying for everyone on the trip, as well as, those back here. Please keep us in your prayers, especially the girls, they are going to have a hard time without their dad, I think it will effect Rebecca the most.

Kevin has the laptop so you can send emails to any time.


  1. Robin, if you need any distractions this week, we can get together at Chuck E. Cheese, or something else!! I will be praying for you guys, and your men! God will bless you all!!!

  2. Thanks so much Ginger. If we can just get through the initial goodbye "blues" we will all be ok. Rebecca cried her eyes out after he walked away, as if she knew something was different. Madalyn had a major attitude this morning, I think she is sad and mad but doesn't know how to express it. She asked him several times in the last month not to go so I think she is mad that he went. So please pray especially for her, it's going to be a long week for her.
